GET THIS>>> 12 Foods Keeping You Overweight & Tired at Midlife

GET THIS!>>> 12 Foods Keeping You Overweight & Tired at Midlife

Slay Midlife

Claim Your Brilliant Health.

Unlock the hidden causes keeping

you stuck...


Slay Midlife

Claim Your Brilliant Health.

Unlock the hidden causes keeping

you stuck...



You’re a smart, successful woman who seems to have her life together, but there’s one thing you keep struggling with; your health...

You can’t seem to lose the weight or get in the shape that you want to... you’ve failed all the diet & exercise programs and you blame yourself...

You’re tired and it’s a struggle to get through the day sometimes... caffeine to wake you up and wine to calm you down have become your best friends...

Then you can’t fall asleep or you wake up for no reason and toss and turn all night only to do it all again the next day...

You’re irritable and snap at people...sometimes even anxious or depressed for no apparent reason...your doctor gave you medication but you you just don’t feel like yourself...

And the intimacy with your partner has become a distant memory that you’ve given up on and it’s the elephant in the room that no one’s talking’ve been told “that’s normal for your age”...

Your focus and memory are lagging and you’re finding it harder and harder to complete things on your endless To-Do’ve lost your’ve lost your joy in life

​So you keep asking yourself...

“Why am I suffering like this?”

And it leads you down the never-ending rabbit hole of...

"Why can’t I just lose the weight? Then everything will be OK."

"I can’t wait until retirement, then I’ll have the time to get my health right"...

"Why can’t I find the right diet, supplement, exercise program or doctor to fix me?"

You see other women thriving at midlife, full of brilliance, energy & joy...

and eventually you wonder...

“What’s wrong with me?”

It’s the ONE piece of the puzzle you can’t figure out.

And without realizing it, life is passing you by.

Whether you’ve tried talking to your doctor and been dismissed, taken fistfuls of prescription medications, searched on Google, summits & podcasts to find the answers...or turned to your friends for help, it’s led you to failure and helplessness to ever be your best self again.

Furthermore, you’re tired. Tired of being the one who has to figure it all out by herself. You know that doctors are supposed to have all the health answers you need but you’ve been dismissed and told these things are normal for your age and given no answers as to why you feel this way and no solutions for how to change your health and your life.

You’ve given up on your dreams for being the Mom you always wanted to be, the partner you long to be, going back to school, starting that business, checking off your bucket list travel adventures, having the fulfilling relationships that you crave and living your life full out. Not to mention worried you may never regain the excellent health that you once enjoyed and dream of having again.


You’ve gone to traditional doctors, acupuncturists and even naturopaths, health coaches and trainers to uncover the cause of your health problems. You’ve paid for expensive tests and not been given clear understanding or a path forward through your difficulties.

You’ve tried every eating program including keto, paleo, vegetarian or even vegan and carnivore. You’ve cut out gluten and other foods you heard could be the problem but to no avail. You’ve even given up and tried to find ‘peace’ by going back to your HMO doctor...but no matter how hard you try, you know that a life without great health is not the life you’re meant to live.

The Midlife Metabolism Institute takes you through a duplicatable, repeatable process that reveals the root cause that’s keeping your health stuck.

Then we heal it using a research based, proprietary and holistic system that’s education and implementation based and incorporates the most advanced hormone and metabolic testing available so you can heal the causes of your health problems and experience weight loss, great energy, mental and emotional clarity, feel sexy and confident, look great and master midlife.


  • Identify and resolve the root cause functional patterns that keep you from having healthy system function, including hormones and more, so that you can build an optimally healthy body to last a lifetime and have it support you in doing all the great things that you want to do in life.

  • Gracefully let go of ineffective, costly strategies that aren’t working and move naturally into science based, proven strategies that heal you down to the cellular level so that you can’t help but achieve your health goals once and for all.

  • Improve your ability to navigate your health journey as you age so that you don’t fall into the same pitfalls again and can steer to the brilliant health and meaningful life that your heart longs for.

Check out the extraordinary results our clients have experienced with us. And when you’re ready, join our training here:


Click on the images below to listed to the latest podcasts

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Success Stories 


"Dr. Kyrin is passionate about helping women find their whole health and makes herself available to making that happen. She brings a personal experience, which makes her so relatable. Her expertise and care turned my health around."

-Jenny S.

"I didn't have to explain much about what I was going through. She understood. She knew exactly what was wrong with me. I was taken care of. I feel EMPOWERED. I feel really, really good. I didn't believe until I worked with her how much different my life could be."

-Maria D.

"My experience with Dr. Kyrin has been five-star. She opened my eyes to a new way of thinking and small, but significant, changes made a big difference in my health. She lives what she teaches -- which I find impressive. #thrilled."

-Alice C.

"I have hope now. My hot flashes are a lot less & night sweats, barely there anymore. It works, it really works. This program helps you get through everything you need to, to get to the answers, and to feel better. I got my life back. It's been a great program."

-Kim V.

"She is the real deal. she's going to educate you. She hits all the things. She builds community; she tells you about when she was just like us. And you get to learn from a group of other women who are going through what you're going through. I 100% recommend working with Dr. Kyrin."


"It is definitely worth the investment. The amount she charges, it does not really cover the value. How much would you pay for vibrant health? This is a fraction of that. It's really time for you to make the choice to invest in yourself. No one else can do it, but you, so why not now?"


"I really enjoyed the fact that she is online, the variety of learning experiences, videos, group meetings, one-on-one meetings, Facebook community. There's lots of support to help you learn, to take control of your health, ask questions and make informed choices. I would encourage everyone to work with Dr. Kyrin and become an active participant in your health."

-Caryn B.

"Prior to the class, I was suffering from poor sleep, mild depression, complete isolation. The feeling of camaraderie among the other women who are suffering the same as you just was amazing. I feel closer to them than to some of my friends. I've definitely got increased energy. I know it seems a little overwhelming and hard to take that plunge, but trust's going to be cheaper in the long run than your disease management...You won't regret it."

-Amy G.

"Dr. Dunston is fabulous. Unlike others, she spent a great deal of time with me, listened to me, and sincerely wanted to help me feel better. She is very knowledgeable about women's health, hormone-replacement therapy and is open to alternative treatments. I love Dr. Kyrin."

-Spring P.

Discover Your Health Blindspots

That are Keeping You Stuck

Discover Your Health Blindspots

That are Keeping You Stuck

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